About ibex 2019


About ibex 2019



It’s our pleasure to announce the start of

The12th International Grain, Flour & Bakery Industry Exhibition (ibex 2019)



The12th International Grain, Flour & Bakery Industry Exhibition (ibex 2019)


Organizer: Info & Trade Group (ITG)


Date: 13-16 September. 2019

Venue:Tehran Int'l Fairground

Visiting Hours: 9 am -17 pm

Duration: 4 days


New Market,

We all love new markets, it is a blessing that all the embargos on Iran are reducing, and it will soon be over completely, it’s time for all the great companies who produce high quality products to take a moment, and think twice,…..

With the population of 79000,000, and annual per capita consumption of about 125 kg, it’s a fantastic opportunity to meet the strong request of the Iranians, for high quality machinery, as well as technology….. "One just can NOT afford to miss this market”.

We, the ITG, have been appointed by the body of the government for the 12th consecutive year, to organize The 12th International Grain, Flour & Bakery Industry Exhibition (ibex 2019).


The goals are:

1: Acculturate and correction of the flour and bread production and consumption.

2: Increasing the trade and investment activities in grain, flour and bakery industry in support of construction and development of domestic industrial units.

3: An organized movement in private sector of the production and supply chain of raw materials for bread production.

4: Providing an environment for domestic companies to present their maximum capacity & capabilities of the field of grain, flour & bakery industry.

5: Creating a platform to interact & cooperation in grain, flour & bakery industries



1: Standardization in manufacturing and trading activities, in the field of Flour and bakery industry.

2: Standards observation on bread production process and the machines.

3: In compliance with the principle of independence of machinery associated with production of flour and bread.



Ibex 2019 is a unique event which attracts:


1: Industrial Bread Producers

2: Manufacturers of Bakery Machineries & Equipment

3: Producers and Distributors of Confectionary Equipment

4: Flour Producers

5: Manufacturers of Flour Producing Machineries & Equipment

6: Yeast and improver Producers

7: Silo makers

8: Producers of Related Laboratory Equipment

9: Producers of Enzymes used in Nutrition Industries

10: Producers of Related Decoration

11: Manufacturers of Food Emulsifiers

12: Manufacturers of Bread Packaging Machineries & Equipment

13: Producers of Coffee and Additive Grains

14: Related Work Clothes Providers

15: Flour and Bakery Industry Consultants

16: Grains Processing Companies

17: Producers Of Grain

18: Equipments of implantation, Graining & Harvesting

19: Producers of Breakfast's Grain




Iran, Tehran, Shahrak-e- Jandarmeri, Marzdaran Blvd, Ebrahimi St, Alvand Tehran, 606, No


(021) 880 70 844

(021) 880 70 833


(021) 880 70 693

